Learning-To-Learn: The Imperative Skill for Future

Learning-To-Learn: The Imperative Skill for Future Learning to Earn is a very common phrase which we have heard in the era of 19th century but the changes as well as transformations in every field has made this phrase out dated. But, for me, it needs to be altered and the word EARN should be replaced by LEARN. Hence now it is the need of the hour to call it as learning to learn rather learning to earn. Learning to learn is the most essential skill for future. If you know how to learn then that will surely guide you towards how to earn and prosper better in life. In this 21st century era we need to be updated about the latest happenings & developments around us. To synchronize ourselves with latest changes & developments, first of all we must be open to unlearn the learnt and relearn the new. Continuous learning is the key to a healthy mind. A person who does not know how to learn, unlearn, and relearn are the actual illiterates of the future. To quote Alvin Toffl...