Trash to Treasure
Trash to Treasure
When our house is untidy, we clean it. When our body is dirty, we wash it. Even when we get an e-mail that is no longer useful to us, we delete it. It is a basic human instinct to discard waste.
Feelings of bitterness, hatred, anger and regret are not only useless, but they are also harmful to us. If left unattended, just like trash, they will rot, turn venomous and become hazardous to our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being.
Keeping the same in mind let us start with the future of nation i.e. our little ones. Life skills is a mandatory subject in schools that focuses on various values of life. Our objective should not be confined to the teaching of the prescribed syllabus given in the books, but to inculcate those values in the students.
Kindness, Politeness, Courtesy, Empathy, Compassion and Forgiveness should not be neglected.
As the students are exposed to various negative values in our society, so it’s the ethical duty of teachers along with parents to show the right trail to the students.
Let them grow up as good human beings. To achieve this goal why not set an example for our students. Kind words are short and easy to speak but their echoes are endless.
Let’s become the embodiment of these values. It’s rightly said that ‘‘Cleanliness is next to Godliness’! Make our children not only cleanse their body and surroundings but also follow various good habits. Hygiene will not only help to maintain a good appearance but also to prevent the spread of viruses and bacteria. Let’s set our students’ heights more than what they see around themselves, Let them see beyond.
Let us help them to take out the trash from their body and mind out. As before pouring milk into a container we first clean it. A dirty vessel will make our milk spoil. Likewise, a clear and clean mind and body will not only be clutter-free but also become a reservoir of values.
• Meenakshi Narula
M.A. (Eng) M.Sc. (IT) B.Ed.
Activity Coordinator
Suncity School 37 D, Gurugram
M.A. (Eng) M.Sc. (IT) B.Ed.
Activity Coordinator
Suncity School 37 D, Gurugram
Beautiful thought and so beautifully put . It is so true