
Showing posts from November, 2018

Ways to overcome the gap in implementation of Guidance & Counseling programme in India

In continuation with previous article in which gaps in implementation of guidance and counseling programme in India were discussed. In this article, some strategies will be discussed to overcome such gaps. This is the responsibilities of government, educationist, educational administrators, teachers and parents, every personnel needs to step-up in proper implementation of this programme. Most important and initial requirement is to establish or form a governing body that can monitor the entire process of guidance and counseling. At present, various bodies functioning to run and supervise guidance and counseling programmes like CBSE, NCS, NCERT, etc. It should be one single body that can monitor operations across India. In continuation, standards of guidance and counseling programme should be implemented. Due to the absence of single monitoring body, professionals use to do practicing guidance and counseling services who don’t possess relevant degrees and required skills. T...

The damage done by Indian Schools

The damage done by Indian Schools Our education system is flawed. In school, history was firmly contained to rote learning of dates and places. We were forced to learn the dates when wars stared and ended. Instead of why they happened or what could have stopped them. Maths was about Rahul having more apples than he could eat or finding angles of triangles without being told how doing so was useful or calculating the speed of trains going in the opposite direction. English was about memorising select poems and writing down the notes the teacher dictated instead of being asked what our interpretation scoring more involved writing the longest ,most convoluted answers for simple questions. As students all over India are taught answers for five mark questions should have more words than those for other question. How many more children's spirits will we sacrifice at the altar of education. What have we done?           ...

Components of Language

In order to understand language acquisition, it is important to know the five components of language and the study of those components: phonology, semantics, syntax, pragmatics, and lexicon. Phonology refers to the study of a language's sound patterns. Semantics involves the study of meaning in language. Syntax examines the rules of a language that determine how words form sentences. Pragmatics studies of the way words are used in social context to convey social meaning. And a lexicon is the vocabulary of a given language. These are the five areas of comprehension necessary for full grasp of a language. The sounds, patterns, words, grammar and meaning of a language cannot be understood independently of one another. Thus, as she develops, a child must be able to gain proficiency in these five components in order to communicate fully with others. Language Acquisition Together, the five elements of language make up the complex geography of language that every human being mu...

Various challenges of adolescence

Adolescence is a challenging time.  Physical, mental and social development occurs at a whirlwind pace. Helping two or more children together through this transition to adulthood is both gratifying and mystifying to parents. Fortunately, most twins have no greater trouble than singletons in navigating adolescence, and some find it easier. Twin studies in Finland revealed that twins smoked less, drank less alcohol and were more physically active than singletons, so teen twins may actually be healthier than their peers! Physical growth Profound physical changes occur during adolescence. Girls hit their peak growth rate about two years before boys. Identical twins tend to be very close in the timing of growth spurts and in their adult height and weight. Even identical twins with very different birth weights tend to be similar in size by the time they reach puberty, although a smaller child may not entirely catch up. Fraternal twins may go through puberty at different times. F...

Improve your self confidence

Improve your self confidence Some are frighteningly under confident in social situations. And although people who know us now would never believe that we  used to doubt ourselves so much we had to  literally  learn confidence until it became a natural part of us.we can ask everyone to be  relaxed ,optimistic, confidence is just, as well so much more fun. Some people have naturally high levels of confidence but everybody can learn to be more confident Firstly, it's important to get a clear idea of what self confidence really means, otherwise you won't know when you've got it! So, self confidence means: 1) Being calm. For every situation in life you need to run on the appropriate level of emotion. Too much emotional 'leakage' into a experience can spoil the experience. You make great strides towards confidence when you begin to relax in a greater range of situations. 2) Being cool. The second part of self confidence is about being able to relax wit...

How to motivate students

I am doing a  project on how parents can motivate students to achieve and maintain academic success. The lack of motivation begins early in elementary school when kids are NOT SUCCESSFUL in mastering the basic operations of arithmetic and are NOT fluent readers. Instead of focusing on developing fluency in both numbers and reading these kids are passed on to the next grade with the hope that they'll catch on. Well, they get older and are embarrassed that their peers CAN DO but they can NOT so they start acting out to cover their shortcomings. Their attendance drops stunting their academic growth further. Also, due to their increasing misbehavior results in repeated suspensions. This adds to putting them further behind their peers. Nevertheless the adminstrator keep on socially promoting them to the next grade. These kids arrive in high school fully aware that they know next to nothing. They know that no matter what they do admin  will bend over backwards to get them wh...

Revival of the basics.

Teachers as education Volunteers and those volunteership is for the teachers.. Within every teachers... "To endure what is, we must remember what was, and dream of things as they will one day be." Global Theory of Change states, "We believe that it is only when people step forward either as local, national or global citizens, sustainable change happens. By enabling people and, in turn, their organisations and communities to play a more active role in development, good volunteering provides the means through which the essential pre-conditions for systemic and sustainable change ownership, participation, empowerment and inclusion can be realised." In this regard, interpersonal relationships are central core to our mission. It  has enabled many to build networks through which we give awareness first then inspire, engage and connect people. From there, we encourage the sharing of skills, knowledge and experience to support  inclusive education that enables...

Career : Indecision and Indecisiveness

Annapoorni Balan Principal, IUEf SECRETARY GENERAL, The UN volunteers for Pooma Educational Trust Career indecision and indecisiveness The career indecision construct is used in the literature to underline the problems that can arise during career decision-making. The construct is designed to explain why some individuals experience uncertainty about their educational and vocational future while others are more involved and confident in making their own choices. From a theoretical point of view, different approaches can be used to examine different aspects of indecision . The vocational interests approach, holds that indecision results from difficulties in personal and vocational identity and from insufficient crystallization of interests. One of the theory categorizes individuals into six personality types that correspond to specific professional areas.  Accordingly, individuals who belong simultaneously to two or more types could be more  undecided about which career ...

Career : Indecision and Indecisiveness

Annapoorni Balan Principal, IUEf SECRETARY GENERAL, The UN volunteers for Pooma Educational Trust Career indecision and indecisiveness The career indecision construct is used in the literature to underline the problems that can arise during career decision-making. The construct is designed to explain why some individuals experience uncertainty about their educational and vocational future while others are more involved and confident in making their own choices. From a theoretical point of view, different approaches can be used to examine different aspects of indecision . The vocational interests approach, holds that indecision results from difficulties in personal and vocational identity and from insufficient crystallization of interests. One of the theory categorizes individuals into six personality types that correspond to specific professional areas.  Accordingly, individuals who belong simultaneously to two or more types could be more  undecided about which career ...