The damage done by Indian Schools
The damage done by Indian Schools
Our education system is flawed. In school, history was firmly contained to rote learning of dates and places. We were forced to learn the dates when wars stared and ended. Instead of why they happened or what could have stopped them.
Maths was about Rahul having more apples than he could eat or finding angles of triangles without being told how doing so was useful or calculating the speed of trains going in the opposite direction.
English was about memorising select poems and writing down the notes the teacher dictated instead of being asked what our interpretation scoring more involved writing the longest ,most convoluted answers for simple questions.
As students all over India are taught answers for five mark questions should have more words than those for other question.
How many more children's spirits will we sacrifice at the altar of education.
What have we done? What are we doing? What can we do now? Answer ( finding answers) just this one question,if nothing else.
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