Modern kids

These are the children of Today !

Are today's Parents and Teachers geared up to handle them...

Schools which don't change and become digitally savvy are in for big trouble in near future and will eventually lose all chance of building any relations with individuals ...

Digitalisation in schools also brings with it capacity of providing individual attention and that is a Game Winner for schools ... !

But please know what you are required to digitise -
1) Always digitise things/processes that cannot be done manually or are tedious to do manually

2) Always digitise processes which can give better efficiency/productivity through use of technology

3) Always digitise if you can save on wastage of resources

4) You may digitise if you are innovating

5) Digitisation does not mean that you shift from regular language to SMS shortforms of words...

6) Digitisation means that it should improve efficiency of teachers and reduce Thier workload ... Not replace them..

7) Digitisation should help children increase their learning and overcome their weakness... It should help them differentiate their strength and weaknesses from that of their classmates and should help them as a resource for individual remedial needs...

8) Digitisation should not be done where it could kill a student's imagination or creative thinking ..  instead it should be in form of a software where a student could develop new colours, designs, sounds etc etc


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