Manipulative report cards--Malpractice to retain admissions

Q: " Manipulative report cards--Malpractice to retain admissions " ASHOK KUMAR-UNV "why so called branded schools , after charging fee since 12 years, suddenly told parents in classes 9 and 11 that we can't continue with your child in board classes. This is the case of malpractices in education by preparing manipulative report cards to please parents in home exams till class 8, this starts from very begining when teacher practice worksheet with students and take test, obviously they scored 20/20in all UT's, parents starts ignoring the weakness and schools happy with retaining students with them. In some cases parents know that their child doesn't deserve full Marks but they happy to see the report card. This game of 20/20 is promoting rote learning, parents and teachers should be honest to each other and dare to share the TRUTH with each other. Please save these children from rat race. __________________________________ ◼Solution to the a...